Light up education 2024 good class online | massive gifts su

作者: admin
发布于: 2024-02-23

Another year together, thanks for the trust

There is light in the road ahead, and the original heart is not forgotten

Time flies. Fortunately, new friends are with old friends

Light up Education 2024 Cold Spring renewal Carnival

———— is officially open ————

Beautiful gifts, come and join us!

Direct tuition discount

Preference for classes and teachers

The 2024 Cold Spring course will be continued during the event

Best offer thousand yuan!

Old plus new plus offer

Old and new students share the benefits

Old and new sign up together

Double the offer and enjoy it with other benefits!

An early bird gives a good gift


Continue to enjoy the gift

Register before December 24

Continue to report more than the number of designated departments before December 24

Get a nice gift!

[College camp] Free of charge

Top 100

The first 100 applicants to renew the specified number of subjects

You can receive [Shandong University Winter Vacation research camp] places!

Group draw

Group draw for 5 consecutive days

Set your alarm clock until you're soft

5 consecutive days no threshold draw within the group

Colorful gifts, tuition vouchers sent every day!

(Private chat teachers can enter the relevant campus group to participate)

Forwarding courtesy

During the event, forward this link

To the circle of friends 3 days + collection of 18 likes

You can receive a free [New Year learning bag]

(Limited to 500, until the last)


The bag contains:

A felt handbag

Tuition scratch-off ticket (100% prize)

$700 total course voucher 5 (different courses)

12.6 12.29

Have you already warmed up? (❤ ω ❤)